Rubicon Classic
Rubicon Router
Contract Overview

Rubicon Router

Contract Source Code (opens in a new tab)


RubiconRouter.sol is a high-level contract that adds convenient functionality for interacting with low-level Rubicon smart contracts.

It primarily serves as a router for ERC-20/ERC-20 token swaps on RubiconMarket.sol, and enables multi-hop swaps if two tokens do not have an underlying order book.

The contract has wrapper functions for handling native ETH throughout the protocol. This includes functions for buying and swapping ETH with/for ERC-20 tokens, and for depositing/withdrawing ETH in Rubicon Pools.

It also has helpful view functions for reading order book data from the low-level RubiconMarket.sol contract.



function swap(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        uint256 buy_amt_min,
        address[] memory route,
        address to
    ) public returns (uint256)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_amtuint256Quantity of tokens the caller is selling
buy_amt_minuint256Minimum quantity received of last token address in route
routeaddressesFirst token address is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token
toaddressAddress is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token

Swaps pay_amt quantity of tokens for at least buy_amt_min quantity of the last token in the specified route.


    function multiswap(
        address[][] memory routes,
        uint256[] memory pay_amts,
        uint256[] memory buy_amts_min,
        address to
    ) public
Parameter NameTypeDescription
routesaddressesFirst token address is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token
pay_amtsuint256Quantities of tokens the caller is selling for buy_gem token
buy_amts_minuint256Minimum quantity received of last token address in route
toaddressAddress is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token

Swaps tokens across multiple routes of token addresses with a minimum received quantity. It enables token swaps across multiple order books on RubiconMarket, in case the tokens do not have an existing order book.


    function swapWithETH(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        uint256 buy_amt_min,
        address[] calldata route,
        address to
    ) external payable returns (uint256)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_amtuint256Quantity of tokens the caller is selling
buy_amt_minuint256Minimum quantity received of last token address in route
routeaddressesFirst token address should be WETH, last address is the buy_amt token
toaddressAddress is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token

Swaps pay_amt quantity of ETH for at least buy_amt_min quantity of the last token in the specified route.


    function swapForETH(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        uint256 buy_amt_min,
        address[] calldata route
    ) external beGoneReentrantScum returns (uint256 fill)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_amtuint256Quantity of tokens the caller is selling
buy_amt_minuint256Minimum quantity received of last token address in route
routeaddressesFirst token address is the pay_amt token, last address should be WETH

Swaps the pay_amt quantity of the first token in the route for at least buy_amt_min quantity of ETH.


 function buyAllAmountWithETH(
        IERC20 buy_gem,
        uint256 buy_amt,
        uint256 max_fill_amount
    ) external payable beGoneReentrantScum returns (uint256 fill)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
buy_gemaddressERC-20 token the caller is buying
buy_amtuint256Quantity of tokens the caller is buying
max_fill_amountuint256Maximum amount of ETH sold

Attempts to buy buy_amt tokens of the buy_gem token for at most the max_fill_amount quantity of ETH. Transaction will revert if the caller would spend more than the specified maximum amount.


function buyAllAmountForETH(
        uint256 buy_amt,
        IERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 max_fill_amount
    ) external beGoneReentrantScum returns (uint256 fill)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
buy_amtuint256Quantity of ETH the caller is buying
pay_gemaddressERC-20 token the caller is selling
max_fill_amountunit256Maximum amount of pay_gem tokens sold

Attempts to buy buy_amt ETH for at most the max_fill_amount quantity of pay_gem tokens. Transaction will revert if the caller would spend more than the specified maximum amount.


function sellAllAmountWithETH(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        IERC20 buy_gem,
        uint256 min_fill_amount
    ) external payable beGoneReentrantScum returns (uint256 fill)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_amtuint256Quantity of ETH the caller is selling
buy_gemaddressERC-20 token the caller is buying
min_fill_amountuint256Minimum amount of buy_gem tokens received

Attempts to sell pay_amt ETH for at least the min_fill_amount quantity of buy_gem tokens. Transaction will revert if the caller would receive less than the specified minimum amount.


    function sellAllAmountForETH(
        IERC20 pay_gem,
        uint256 pay_amt,
        // buy_gem = ETH,
        uint256 min_fill_amount
    ) external beGoneReentrantScum returns (uint256 fill)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_gemaddressERC-20 token the caller is selling
pay_amtuint256Quantity of tokens the caller is selling
min_fill_amountuint256Minimum amount of ETH received

Attempts to sell pay_amt tokens of the pay_gem token for at least the min_fill_amount quantity of ETH. Transaction will revert if the caller would receive less than the specified minimum amount.

View Functions


 function getExpectedSwapFill(
        uint256 pay_amt,
        uint256 buy_amt_min,
        address[] calldata route
    ) public view returns (uint256 currentAmount)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_amtuint256Quantity of tokens the caller is selling
buy_amt_minuint256Minimum quantity received of last token address in route
routeaddressesFirst token address is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token

Uses the same parameters as swap() and returns the expected amount received.


    function getExpectedMultiswapFill(
        uint256[] memory pay_amts,
        uint256[] memory buy_amt_mins,
        address[][] memory routes
    ) public view returns (uint256 outputAmount)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
pay_amtsuint256Quantities of tokens the caller is selling for buy_gem token
buy_amt_minsuint256Minimum quantity received of last token address in route
routesaddressesFirst token address is the pay_amt token, last address is the buy_amt token

Uses the same parameters as multiswap() and returns the expected amount received.


    function getBookFromPair(
        IERC20 asset,
        IERC20 quote
    ) public view returns (uint256[3][] memory asks, uint256[3][] memory bids)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
assetaddressERC-20 token on the ask/sell side of the target order book
quoteaddressERC-20 token on the bid/buy side of the target order book

Returns all outstanding offers on the book for a given token pair. The asset/quote pair ordering will affect the sorted return values - asset should be the top of the pair: for example, (ETH, USDC) will return (ETH asks, USDC bids)


    function getOffersFromPair(
        IERC20 tokenIn,
        IERC20 tokenOut
    ) public view returns (uint256[3][] memory offers)
Parameter NameTypeDescription
tokenInaddressERC-20 token on the ask/sell side of the target order book
tokenOutaddressERC-20 token on the bid/buy side of the target order book

Returns offers from one side of the specified order book.


    function getBookDepth(
        IERC20 tokenIn,
        IERC20 tokenOut
    ) public view returns (uint256 depth, uint256 bestOfferID)

Returns depth of one side of the order book and the ID of the best offer().


    function getOfferIDsFromPair(
        IERC20 tokenIn,
        IERC20 tokenOut
    ) public view returns (uint256[] memory IDs)

Returns all offer() IDs from the tokenIn/tokenOut pair.


    function getBestOfferAndInfo(
        address asset,
        address quote
        returns (

Returns the ID and info for the best offer() on a given asset/quote token pair.


    event emitSwap(
        address indexed recipient,
        address indexed inputERC20,
        address indexed targetERC20,
        bytes32 pair,
        uint256 inputAmount,
        uint256 realizedFill,
        uint256 hurdleBuyAmtMin