Rubicon v4

Rubicon Market


Protocol Fee: 0.01%

Paid by fillers (buyers) to the protocol. Paid in the output token from the encoded order - added on top of every order when settled.

Possible Pair Specific Fees

It is possible for the protocol to set pair specific fees. While this unlikely, it can be queried onchain if active

Querying the Fees

Use these view functions to query the fee values from the RubiconFeeController on any given network.

function baseFee()
    returns (uint256)

Returns the current protocol fee. The base fee is the fee applied to all trades, unless there is a pair specific fee set. Return value is an integer at this precision (1 / 100,000 = 0.001%). Default value is 10.

function fees(bytes32 pairHash)
    returns (uint256)

Returns the current pair-specific fee if any for a given pair hash. Return value is an integer at this precision (1 / 100,000 = 0.001%). Must be set by admin.