The tables below have the smart contract addresses for Rubicon across all networks.
Please note that Rubicon utilizes the transparent upgradeable proxy standard (opens in a new tab). You can view each proxy contract's underlying implementation on the block explorer.
Rubicon Deployments (v4)
Contract Name | Address |
GladiusReactor | 0x98169248bDf25E0e297EA478Ab46ac24058Fac78 (opens in a new tab) |
GladiusOrderQuoter | 0x9244aeAE36f34d63244EDCF9fdb58C03cE4Ce12d (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconFeeController | 0xD376b6BAb4c5dA3Cd83DD49A346b3D432385724E (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
GladiusReactor | 0x6D81571B4c75CCf08bD16032D0aE54dbaff548b0 (opens in a new tab) |
GladiusOrderQuoter | 0x9244aeAE36f34d63244EDCF9fdb58C03cE4Ce12d (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconFeeController | 0xB6efa81466ab4A93129245bD2aAA535280F7ADbB (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
GladiusReactor | 0x3C53c04d633bec3fB0De3492607C239BF92d07f9 (opens in a new tab) |
GladiusOrderQuoter | 0x56e43695d183dcFa9D8fE95E796227A491627Fd9 (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconFeeController | 0xCd4b4242F09f518A18156B6b46a35c5B96A73d3e (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
GladiusReactor | 0x3C53c04d633bec3fB0De3492607C239BF92d07f9 (opens in a new tab) |
GladiusOrderQuoter | 0x56e43695d183dcFa9D8fE95E796227A491627Fd9 (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconFeeController | 0x72826Cd3c3040e00F2D831d835b1554Ec02ef58a (opens in a new tab) |
Rubicon Classic Deployments
Contract Name | Address |
RubiconMarket | 0x7a512d3609211e719737E82c7bb7271eC05Da70d (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconRouter | 0x7Af14ADc8Aea70f063c7eA3B2C1AD0D7A59C4bFf (opens in a new tab) |
MarketAidFactory | 0x267D94C6e67e4436EFfE092b08d040cFF36B2DA7 (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
RubiconMarket | 0xc715a30fde987637a082cf5f19c74648b67f2db8 (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconRouter | 0x7b24e6f4dd84674696c2a5809c24154ec6ac7f03 (opens in a new tab) |
MarketAidFactory | 0x6CB24A263732579EfD56f3E071851e989d78cE75 (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
RubiconMarket | 0x9A5215E96E1185d4e6002C95C3Cc0aB6eEaD354F (opens in a new tab) |
RubiconRouter | 0x929675f6a6aC12D7cC3463BE1df7221ca35b8a00 (opens in a new tab) |
MarketAidFactory | 0xc2b33a7601f3f0ecFF2eE4b5b7c647770069A836 (opens in a new tab) |
Rubicon Aquila Deployments
Contract Name | Address |
AquilaFactory | 0x3B2C6fe3039B42f00E98b76531C05932abfB258e (opens in a new tab) |
AquilaRouter | 0x1f40578d9466875D0333a097a642c67E63Defc61 (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
AquilaFactory | 0xEca3EA559b7566e610d113bbA8D1B15B085C9c68 (opens in a new tab) |
AquilaRouter | 0x9C42Fae9e3C63150BCBe4Aaba292681d5b0b0720 (opens in a new tab) |
Contract Name | Address |
AquilaFactory | 0xA5cA8Ba2e3017E9aF3Bd9EDa69e9E8C263Abf6cD (opens in a new tab) |
AquilaRouter | 0x109074B31759A5b08164e54c44333f33247e7Fd1 (opens in a new tab) |
Rubicon Classic Testnet Deployments
List of contract addresses on various test networks. Includes addresses for test tokens with a built-in faucet, you can mint these tokens by calling faucet() on the contract or by using the Faucet button in the app.
Arbitrum Goerli
Optimism Goerli
Polygon Mumbai
Deprecated Deployments
List of contract addresses that are no longer in use. Interacting with these contracts is not recommended. If you have tokens in the V1 pools, you can withdraw on the app (opens in a new tab) or by calling the withdraw() function on the relevant bathToken contract.