Rubicon Classic
Subgraph Overview

💻 Subgraphs

The Graph (opens in a new tab) is a decentralized protocol for indexing and querying data from blockchains, allowing easy access to data that can be difficult to query directly. Rubicon subgraphs are currently on The Graph's hosted service and will soon be migrated to the Decentralized Network.

Key Subgraphs

The Rubicon protocol has two main subgraphs, one that contains legacy data from v1 on Optimism and one for all other v2 deployments:


RubiconV2_OptimismOptimism Mainnethttps://api.rubicon.finance/subgraphs/name/RubiconV2_Optimism (opens in a new tab)
RubiconV2_OptimismOptimism Goerlihttps://api.rubicon.finance/subgraphs/name/RubiconV2_Optimism_Goerli (opens in a new tab)
RubiconV2Arbitrum Onehttps://api.rubicon.finance/subgraphs/name/RubiconV2_Arbitrum_One (opens in a new tab)
RubiconV2Arbitrum Goerlihttps://api.rubicon.finance/subgraphs/name/RubiconV2_Arbitrum_Goerli (opens in a new tab)
RubiconV2Base Mainnethttps://api.rubicon.finance/subgraphs/name/RubiconV2_Base (opens in a new tab)
RubiconV2Polygon Mumbaihttps://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/denverbaumgartner/rubiconv2-polygon-mumbai (opens in a new tab)

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