Rubicon Liquidity Program

Rubicon Liquidity Program

Subject to Change

NOTICE: The details of the Rubicon Liquidity Program are subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates.

This page details the current structure and benefits of the Rubicon Liquidity Program. This program is designed to boost the profitability of liquidity providers and market makers on Rubicon. The program is designed to incentivize liquidity providers through monthly fee rebates. For any questions or further information, please reach out to us via contact [at] rubicon [dot] finance (email) or our Discord (opens in a new tab).

In its current structure, if a given trader achieves a volume greater than the Volume Minimum for any Tier, they will be rebated the Percentage of Fees Refunded from the Rubicon Team to their trading wallet following the conclusion of the monthly period. Rebates would be paid in ERC20 fees generated and on the network where the monthly volume was earned. The Rubicon Team reserves arbitrary discretion to exclude addresses from the program. This could be due to perceived wash trading or self trading as this behavior is strictly prohibited.

Only volume through the Rubicon App or API and settled/filled by the Rubicon Engine are counted towards the program. Market Makers and Traders must participate through the open order book. Generally, most ERC20 trading pairs count towards the program - trading pairs that are not supported on the Rubicon App are not likely to count towards the program. Generally, any trading pairs for liquid, reputable coins will count but that is up to the Team's discretion.

Liquidity Program Tiers

TierVolume MinimumPercentage of Fees Refunded

For now, the program consists of a single tier, but this may be expanded in the future. Given that taker fee rates are by default 2 times the protocol fee of 1bp when matching trades on Rubicon, at a 10% rebate rate, this implies a -0.002% maker fee rate for market makers, as the global, base maker fee is 0%.

Contact Information

For any questions or additional information, feel free to reach out:

Important Notes

  • The details of the program are subject to change at any time.
  • The Rubicon Team can exclude addresses at will for any reason. If it occured, this would likely be due to perceived malicious behavior.
  • Updates and changes to the program will be communicated through our official channels and reflected on this page.

This page will be updated regularly to reflect any changes to the Rubicon Liquidity Program. Please ensure you are referring to the latest version.